Free our minds from labels

Preamblism encourages us to free our mind from:

  1. the dichotomies which divide us such as right v. left, conservative v. liberal, democrat v republican, RINOs v. “real Republicans, DINOs v. “real Democrats” and

  2. from the dichotomies that oversimplify issues as a choice between two extremes with no room for moderate or different positions (e.g. pro-choice v. pro-life; pro-gun v. anti-gun; socialist v. capitalist, and pro-Palestine v pro-Israel).

    When we think along the lines of these dichotomies, we fall into the hands of the extremists because we create unnecessary divisions that restrain us from finding reasonable solutions. Additionally, these dichotomies are not reflective of reality. For example, our economy is both capitalist and socialist at the same time which, in many opinions, is a good thing because we get the best of both systems and our overall system is stronger because of it. Furthermore, many people are too complicated and nuanced to fall squarely into one of these labels. The Preamblist Movement calls on us to free our minds from these false dichotomies that hold us back.,vid:I5OUIbJPWzU,st:0&vuanr=4  


On Supreme Court using the Preambles…


Courts Should Utilize Preambles